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How to Build a Brand in eCommerce With 8 Steps

Creating a brand involves more than just choosing the ideal name or design. A company’s overall perception, emotion, and reputation follow it everywhere. Your brand may elevate your business to new levels of success if it is appropriately implemented.


Brand Partnership Manager at Qikink


Brand Partnership Manager at Qikink

How to Build a Brand in eCommerce
startups are created each year worldwide


305 million startups are created each year worldwide – as per Earthweb. One of the first stages to creating a successful business is learning how to develop a brand. 

Unfortunately, many e-commerce brand owners lack the knowledge to create an appealing brand. 

After all, creating a brand involves more than just choosing the ideal name or design. A company’s overall perception, emotion, and reputation follow it everywhere. Your brand may elevate your business to new levels of success if it is appropriately implemented.

However, with the proper knowledge, branding your business may be a manageable task. For any business to survive, their branding must be strong.

This comprehensive guide will teach you how to build a profitable eCommerce brand.

What is a brand?


Brand definition by management study guide: 

In a nutshell, a brand is a seller’s promise to continuously supply a unique combination of qualities, products, and services to customers. A name, label, sign, symbol, or a mix of these distinguishes one seller or group of sellers’ goods/services from those of competitors. McDonald’s, Zara, Armani, and other well-known brands are examples.

34% of Indians choose brands based on social media influencers’ suggestions, and 

43% of respondents are at least checking out recommended products/services by the influencers, according to the survey by iCubewire.

Creating a brand tries to establish a positive reputation, generate a sense of trust, and create an emotional bond with customers.

According to a UK survey, customers are more likely to make purchases, refer friends, sign up for the loyalty program, and post favorable reviews on social media when they feel confident in the brand.

As a result, a strong and distinctive brand may distinguish between a struggling and a successful company.

How to build a brand? Brand-building strategies

Beyond just developing a brand name and logo, developing a powerful brand identity requires significant work. 

Let’s learn the 8 essential steps to building a brand below.


1. Research your brand’s target audience & competition

Before you jump right into ‌the product, it is essential to understand ‌your audience and the market demand. 

By researching their target market, businesses may better understand their potential customers and the marketing tactics that will appeal to them.

Creating a user persona, a fictitious portrayal of your ideal customer, is one of the finest ways to perform market research.

This is how you make one:

  • Analyze the characteristics of your existing customers, including their age, geography, and gender. However, if you’re a brand-new small company owner, focus on a particular market segment inside a niche. Instead of focusing on fashion customers in general, for instance, seek customers who adore antique collections.
  • Investigate competitors and analyze their customers.
  • To comprehend your clients’ demands, interests, pain points, and behavior patterns, do user research, interviews, and surveys.
  • Create a customer persona based on the common characteristics discovered during the research process once you’ve gathered enough information.
  • Create many personas to examine how each subgroup fits with various products, going above and beyond.


Before continuing, it’s essential to clearly understand the market since it will guide your brand’s emphasis and help it stand out from competitors. You may connect better with potential customers by choosing the right brand voice, design, and marketing plan with the help of market analysis.


2. Determine brand positioning

You may gain insight into your brand position by learning as much as possible about your target audience. Being a brand that sells high-end, luxurious clothing and is also cost-effective is challenging. You must choose where you will enter the market.

Creating a positioning statement is the simplest method. You can use one or two lines like this to introduce yourself and what you do. For instance, your brand’s positioning statement may read, “We are a home accessories brand delivering unique hand-made goods to customers in [region].”

Consider how you will set your brand apart from the competition while defining your brand position. The “hand-made” element is the primary key difference in the above scenario.

Knowing your position and unique selling propositions will enable you to start developing marketing campaigns and branded content that communicates to your target market in the appropriate tone.

For example, a business that sells customized goods is likelier to have a kind, inviting voice.

On the other hand, a brand that sells high-end luxury goods should adopt a more creative and sophisticated tone.

You are only competing based on your unique value proposition. Find it, capitalise on it, and incorporate it into the marketing for your brand.

Alternatively, you may write this down as a mission statement that makes a clear commitment to your customers or the world if the business you intend to create has a cause at its core (for example, if you’re launching a social enterprise).

For instance, if I wanted to build a brand that would appeal to entrepreneurs, I may start with the raccoons since they are resourceful survivors who will go to any lengths to survive.


3. Pick a brand name

As stated earlier, a brand is much more than just a name. In reality, your brand’s personality, behavior, and reputation provide its brand market value.

You know your tar. get the market and the positioning you desire for your brand. It’s now time to make that significant brand name.

One of your brand’s most crucial distinguishing characteristics is this. The ideal name should condense all the information that your customers require about you into a single word.

A clothing company may create a name like “Vision Clothing” if it is devoted to creating something unique for its clients. The secret to success will be choosing a term that sticks in your audience’s mind and has sounds expressing appropriate feelings or concepts.

Be careful to research what is available before choosing a name because your brand name will also define the URL/domain of your eCommerce brand. To obtain some brand name inspiration, utilize company name generators or consult businesses to choose the ideal name for your business. 

One of the first significant commitments you must make as a business owner is likely the name of your business. It will influence your marketing strategy, logo, and trademark registration (it is more challenging to register generic brand names that precisely represent what you sell).

The ideal business name is challenging to copy and much more challenging to associate with other competitors in the industry. Remember that it will be simpler to pivot if you choose a brand name based on your product category if you intend to extend the product lines you sell.


4. Outline a brand story

Effective narratives may trigger emotional reactions from the target audience, helping businesses raise awareness of their brands and boost engagement.

You can convey your company’s history through blog posts, video advertising, or social media posts. The following suggestions will help in the procedure:

Give a background narrative: Making the brand more approachable to the audience may be done by sharing stories about the company’s humble origins or the founders.

Share the challenges: Give an account of the obstacles you faced when building your own brand and how you overcame them.

Think about the bigger picture: Establish a problem in your market and develop marketing strategies to address it. For instance, by giving away a pair of shoes for every couple sold, Toms Shoes struck a chord with consumers and became well-known.

Give sincerity and transparency top priority: Authenticity is the deciding factor for 88% of customers when supporting a business.

For instance, GUCCI was first recognized for its equestrian clothes and accessories.

In recent decades, the brand has become a reference source for young people who aren’t hesitant to try new patterns and designs.

Despite the success of various great creative directors at the Maison, Gucci develops some significant collaborations with local fashion designers and poets, illustrators, and painters that contribute to producing new, unique collections.

Indeed, a peek at Gucci’s Instagram account reveals how these artists are key contributing storytellers who contribute to the ethnic variety seen in the Gucci brand.

The Florentine Maison has also pushed its organization for women’s empowerment and gender equality, Chime for Change, using excellent web storytelling. Blog posts, social media accounts, podcasts, and collaborations with local activists and artists reinforce the institution’s principles.


Gucci Equilibrium – Impact Report

The “why” behind your business is ultimately expressed in your brand’s story. Every company has to have a goal beyond simply making money. Think about your motivation for starting a business and the potential benefits your offerings may have on customers’ lives.

 A good story will make people fall in love with your company and trust your brand.


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5. Design the brand's visual identity

Once you’ve decided on a name, you’ll need to think about how you’ll visually represent your brand, including your colors and fonts. This will be useful when you begin to create your website.


Colour scheme selection:


Colors not only establish your brand’s aesthetic; they also convey the emotion you want to convey and help you keep it consistent across your overall brand. To prevent misleading customers, pick colors that distinguish you from direct competition.

Color psychology isn’t a science, but it may help you make better decisions, especially regarding the color of your logo.

This infographic provides a good summary of the feelings and associations that different colors trigger.

Consider how readable white and black text will be over your color palette and how colorful text may seem over white and black backgrounds. Use a program like Coolors to create colour combinations, then save the hex codes and filter through numerous colors to discover the ones you prefer.

Select a colour scheme for your website. According to studies, colours increase brand identification by 80% and affect 85% of customer purchasing choices. To maintain a uniform look across all major browsers, use web-safe colour combinations.


Selecting your fonts

Just like your brand colours, the fonts you choose may have a significant influence on how your clients perceive your brand. Sans-serif typefaces are often more contemporary and approachable, whereas serif fonts are more conventional and authoritative.

It’s also a good time to consider what typefaces you might want to utilise on your website.

Choose no more than two fonts to prevent confusing visitors: one for headers and one for body text (this does not include the font you may use in your logo).

You may use Font Pair or Canva to browse a large range of typefaces that work well together and, if required, download them.


6.Create a logo and a slogan


Another important aspect of learning how to build your own brand is your logo. Your logo, along with your name, will be one of the first things your customers see about your brand.

A great logo should be relevant and simple to grasp. Apple’s trademark apple picture with the bite taken out of it is self-explanatory. 

Another great example of a logo design is H&M


H&M stores can be found in almost every nation across the world, and the brand’s striking red logo is instantly recognisable as an icon for inexpensive attractive clothes.

The brand started as “Hennes”, which stands for “Her” in Swedish and turned into Hennes & Mauritz after the merger with a men’s clothing brand, so when shortened to H & M in 1968, it was more like a symbol of Women and Men apparel, feminine and masculine.

The H&M symbol is very simple and minimalistic. It features the letters “H” and “M” with an ampersand between them. It is sometimes criticised for being overly generic, which is not unexpected given the complex logos that many current apparel labels have.

The two letters joined by an ampersand are meant to appeal to the youthful customer. According to the company, the majority of its customers are under the age of 30. The vibrant, free-spirited logo is intended to appeal to this specific group.


Make a catchy slogan:

A slogan expresses the aim of a brand in a brief yet memorable manner. When making one, take the following steps:

  1. List terms relevant to your business and niche. Don’t be afraid to use strong language to emphasize the brand’s message and create emotion.
  2. Research and make notes from competitors or use an online slogan generator. Make sure to keep the slogan brief and simple.
  3. Create an internal poll with relevant team members after collecting the list to narrow down the options. Then, select the top three options.
  4. A/B testing should be done on the company’s website, social media platforms, and other marketing materials to determine which slogan works better.

While a slogan is an optional aspect of the brand-building process, it is worth considering if you want to increase your brand’s reach and awareness. A tagline helps your customers understand your brand and what it does.

Remember to use your unique voice to make your statement stand out when learning how to establish your brand with a slogan.


7. Integrate the brand effectively across other marketing channels

Businesses must incorporate their brand into everything they do to be recognized. The easiest way to begin is to develop a style guide for your employees and contractors. Ensure everyone on your team understands how your brand should look and sound.

Consumers are increasingly looking for authentic, transparent, and socially responsible brands.

Consider how you might bring attention to your brand across many media. For example, your brand should be visible on your

E-commerce store: Select a store theme that complements your brand identity and use your brand colors. Remember to include your logo on every page and to emphasize your brand voice throughout your website content.

Social media: Social media is a wonderful technique for increasing brand recognition. You may share posts showcasing your personality, images and visuals defining your company, and even urge people to promote your brand with friends and coworkers.

According to BrightLocal, 84% of customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Marketing campaigns: Whether sending out email newsletters or communicating with clients via podcasts, your brand should be evident in every marketing campaign. Ensure your brand image and voice are constantly shared across all advertising efforts.

8. Consistency

When it comes to building a great brand, consistency is essential. The more consistent your brand identity is, both online and offline, the more familiar your organization will feel to your target customer. Consistency also makes your brand look more steady and trustworthy.

From the theme you choose for your website to the marketing you perform, customer service, and how you package and deliver your products, your brand must exist and remain consistent wherever your customers interact with you.

You will continue to develop and evolve as you expose more customers to your brand and learn who they are and how to communicate with them.

It is essential to recognize that you will never have complete control over how people view your brand.

You may steer customers on the correct path, make a fantastic first impression, and increase sales.


How and why should you do branding for your eCommerce business in 2023?

According to a survey by Millward Brown, a strong brand can increase the value of a company by up to 23%.

Branding is essential for eCommerce businesses in 2023 for various reasons.

Differentiation: As the number of eCommerce businesses grows, it becomes increasingly challenging to stand out. A strong brand may help your company differentiate itself and establish a distinct personality in the market.

Trust and loyalty: A well-established brand will foster client trust and loyalty, leading to repeat business and strong word-of-mouth advertising.

Increased perceived value: A strong brand will raise the perceived worth of your products or services, allowing you to charge higher prices.

Online presence: As more people purchase online, having an excellent online presence in 2023 is critical. A strong brand will benefit your business in establishing a solid online presence and reaching a larger audience.

Personalization: As technology advances, personalization has become fundamental to e-commerce success. A strong brand will assist you in creating a personalized experience for your customers, increasing their engagement and loyalty.

Overall, branding your eCommerce business in 2023 will help you develop a strong and unique market identity, build trust and loyalty among consumers, raise the perceived value of your products or services, establish a solid online presence, and tailor your customers’ experiences.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of launching a brand varies widely based on the type of business, the size of the operation, and the exact branding methods employed. Here are some of the elements that might influence the cost of launching a brand:

  • Company registration and legal fees
  • Branding and marketing
  • Product development and manufacturing costs
  • Online presence
  • Logistics and Distribution

Qikink will help you manufacture products with your designs and branding. Qikink prints your brand name/logo design on the products and ships them directly to your customer. Read more about branding services here.

With Qikink’s print-on-demand and dropshipping services, you only need to spend on marketing your products. Everything from manufacturing and shipping is taken care of by Qikink. Read more about Print-on-demand Dropshipping here.

To create a memorable logo, focus on simplicity, uniqueness, and relevance to your brand. It should be easily recognizable and scalable, work well in different colors and sizes, and convey your brand’s personality and values.

To ensure brand consistency across all platforms, create brand guidelines that define your brand’s visual and verbal identity, including logo usage, color palette, typography, tone of voice, and messaging. Use these guidelines consistently across all channels and touchpoints, from your website and social media to your packaging and customer service.

To build brand awareness, focus on creating a strong brand identity and messaging that resonates with your target audience. Use a mix of marketing tactics, such as social media, content marketing, influencer partnerships, events, and PR, to reach and engage your potential customers and build brand recognition and loyalty.

Storytelling plays a crucial role in branding by helping you communicate your brand’s values, mission, and vision in a compelling and memorable way. It enables you to connect with your audience on an emotional level, differentiate yourself from competitors, and build a strong brand narrative and identity that resonates with your target market.


With over 6+ years of experience in the industry, Ayushi excels in building strong customer relationships and guiding clients toward growth as a Brand Partnership Manager. She enjoys sharing her experience in her content.

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About the author

With over 6+ years of experience in the industry, Ayushi excels in building strong customer relationships and guiding clients toward growth as a Brand Partnership Manager. She enjoys sharing her experience in her content.
With over 6+ years of experience in the industry, Ayushi excels in building strong customer relationships and guiding clients toward growth as a Brand Partnership Manager. She enjoys sharing her experience in her content.

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