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What Makes A Good Logo Design: Tips & Principles

This comprehensive article will walk you through every step of the branding design process to develop a business logo from scratch, from selecting a color to hiring a designer with the assistance of genuine in-house graphic designers.


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What Makes A Good Logo Design

The human brain processes images 60,000 faster than words.

Logos are the most recognizable brand identifiers at 75%, followed by visual style (60%), brand color (45%), and unique voice (25%) (Renderforest, 2021).

Your logo says a lot about your online retail business. If you get it right, you will offer them a reason to remember your company. If you get it wrong, you will have yourself to blame.

In an increasingly competitive e-commerce industry, a clever logo may help you stand out. Almost 26 million internet stores are believed to exist worldwide.

Is not that many stores? Thus, taking advantage of every opportunity to distinguish your company only makes sense. A straightforward method to accomplish this is to design a distinctive logo.

Your logo is not your brand; you create it independently, but it will serve as the face of your brand. It will appear on your website, products, marketing, in-store signage, and wherever else customers connect with your brand. Fortunately for you, designing a gorgeous logo is not rocket science. 

This comprehensive article will walk you through every step of the branding design process to develop a business logo from scratch, from selecting a color to hiring a designer with the assistance of genuine in-house graphic designers.


What is a logo?

A logo is a graphical representation of a company’s name, trademark, or other distinguishing features. It is frequently used on letterheads, business cards, product packaging, websites, online storefronts, and the front of corporate stores.

Designing a great logo isn’t rocket science. You don’t have to be a branding guru or a brilliant graphic designer to create a stunning logo you’ll be proud of.

Simple and memorable logos, such as Amazon’s a-to-z arrow or McDonald’s golden arches, are the finest. These are instantly identifiable logos that have come to embody their respective brands—so much so that the firms’ names are rarely included with the logo.

Consumers recognize brands

Logos might be simple or complicated, but they must always be easily recognised by your consumers (or potential customers). Several businesses have many variations of their logo to meet various demands. 

75% of people recognize a brand by its logo.

A horizontal version for use on a website, for example, and a vertical variant for use on stationery. Some logos are simply the letters of the firm, while others include symbols or images.


Why is a logo important?

“Maybe I don’t even need a logo,” a small voice in your mind suggests.

Don’t listen to that voice; he’s simply wrong. A logo is an essential component of building a successful brand, right up there with high-quality products and positive references.

We’re sure we don’t need to explain you why this is so crucial when the calendar turns to 2023, but just in case: in 2020, 50% of consumers reported being more likely to purchase a business with a logo they recognise.

That is, if brand recognition and customer acquisition are at the top of your business’s priority list in 2023, your company’s logo design must be authentic, expressive of the brand image, and memorable enough for people to recognise it everywhere they go – much like the iconic Coca-Cola logo.

As of 2021, top-ranked company logos are Apple (2839 votes), Nike (2418 votes), Coca-Cola (2275 votes), Mercedes-Benz (1658 votes), and Adidas (1507 votes) (Ranker).

When you examine all of the aspects that go into starting a company, developing a logo may not appear to be a top concern. 

So, what is the importance of a logo? Let’s go through it in detail below.


1. It attracts consumers attention

Consumers’ attention spans are very short these days.

Companies currently have roughly 2 seconds to convince potential clients that their offerings are worth considering.

Insert your logo here.

A logo may rapidly capture visitors’ attention while also communicating a company’s essential principles in an interesting way. That short attention span – the one that drives customers to assess your company based on its look – might work in your favour if you have a strong logo to speak for you.


2. It leaves a lasting first impression

You only have one shot at doing this right.

A logo is a company’s first point of contact with customers. If properly designed, it may capture the public’s attention and urge them to discover more about the organisation; if not, you’ve just alienated a prospective client base and effectively ruined your business.

This is an opportunity to rapidly express ownership of the product(s) you offer or the niche you control.

Do you sell women’s basketballs with good traction? Is your financial advice especially beneficial to solopreneurs? Your logo establishes your firm as an authority in your industry from the start.

Even if you have no clue what Shopify is, when you see this logo, you will immediately think of shopping:


Shopify india what makes a good logo design

                                                                                      The Shopify logo

Hence, if you want to make a good first impression, make an effort to produce a decent logo.


3. It serves as the foundation for your brand's identity

Simply said, successful branding is about conveying a story that will affect people’s emotions. While logo design is only one component of a company’s brand, it acts as the basis for the complete story around which the brand is created.

 Colours, tones, and fonts are all decided by the story you’re attempting to tell, and your logo sets the setting for this story.

These aspects will be carried over from your logo to all of your branding materials – letterheads, business cards, landing sites, you name it – resulting in a clear, marketable brand identity.


4. It is remarkable

Your logo directs your target audience to your company. Logos serve as identifiers; they are the sign that customers use to distinguish your brand. Ideally, you’ll want people to immediately associate the sight of your logo with memories of what your firm does – and, more significantly, how it makes them feel.

Because a good logo is a visually appealing aspect, it creates favourable recall about your brand that the name of your brand alone may not.

And, let’s be honest, part of your audience will undoubtedly forget your company’s name (don’t take it personally – it’s human nature), but they’ll quickly identify your logo with their recollections of your brand.


5. It sets you apart from the competition

Dare to be unique with your logo since it informs them why your firm is special. True, your city has 50 other coffee shops, but yours is the only one dedicated to sustainability, and your green, earthy logo reinforces that message.

By the use of the perfect image or typeface, a well-designed corporate logo may express everything from the firm’s background (professional, relaxed, fun) to its objective (entertainment, efficiency, and innovation).

In other words, your logo serves as a platform for both communicating your principles and demonstrating to them why you’re not like your competition – you’re better.


6. It increases brand loyalty

Customers want consistency, repeat after me.

As your company expands, your logo will become more recognised to a wider spectrum of consumers, creating the idea that you’re trustworthy and approachable.

Consider this: When you’re out shopping for fitness clothes and come across track trousers with the Nike swoosh, you’re immediately eager to buy. Why? Because when you wear Nike clothes, you know you’re in good hands; Nike is a name you can rely on. A well-designed logo inspires trust, and brand loyalty follows quickly.

What thoughts come to mind when you view this logo?

cocacola logo

                                                                               The Coca-Cola logo

Let us guess, a feeling of excitement? It’s as if you’ve known Coca-Cola your entire life which is true because the Coca-Cola brand has been around for over 130 years.

Over 90% of the global population recognize the iconic Coca-Cola logo (Creative Bloq, 2017).

So, where are we going with this?

A distinctive logo may increase consumer loyalty. It may evoke an emotional response from them, prompting them to act.

Fortunately, your logo doesn’t have to be as well-known as Coca-to Cola’s to evoke feelings of liking in your customers; you simply have to stick with it long enough for it to stick.

Customers will seek you out again and again if they like you, and your logo will be the first thing they search for.


7. Your audience anticipates it

Finally, but not least:

When consumers encounter any messages from your brand, the first thing they will check for is your logo. It should be prominently displayed on all of your marketing materials, including business cards, pamphlets, advertising, and so on.

If you don’t have a logo (especially one that sticks out), you’re passing up an opportunity to make your brand memorable to your target audience.


What makes a good logo design?

While you don’t have to be a branding expert to create a distinctive logo you can be proud of, there are several design rules to keep in mind.

Here are a few examples:


1. Convenience of use

It might be tempting to pack a lot of information into a logo in order to explain what your brand is all about.

Do not fall into this trap.

You will just end up with a complex logo that will at best confuse consumers.

Keep it sweet and easily understandable!

You can draw inspiration from Apple’s logo. Even though it is extremely simple, it has endured the test of time and is still memorable to this day.


Generation of apple logo in online shop

2. Check your colors

Colored logos attract attention 42% more than similar ads in black and white (Ragan, 2015).

A beautiful logo has the perfect colour combination.

Many big brand logos use the color red. Coca Cola uses red to encourage appetite and happiness. YouTube has a red logo to build the excitement of watching online videos (Oberlo, 2019).

Youtube logo in online

As a general guideline, your logo colours should not be overly loud or too bland.

Logo color makes up to 90% of a consumer’s first impression (Website Planet, 2021).

It is critical to pick colours that are consistent with your brand. There’s no reason to choose colours that have nothing to do with your brand.

Most crucial, keep things as basic as possible. One colour is sufficient. If you must use more than one, do not use more than two.

colors used by global brands in their online shop logos

3. Choose the correct font style

Although there are no guidelines for selecting the ideal font type, it is always better to choose legible, easy-to-read fonts.The quality of a logo is also determined by the font style. Employing sophisticated font styles to be modern will not help your business.

While developing your logo, you should also consider letter spacing.

Around three-quarters of Fortune 500 companies employ sans serif typefaces. In addition, 90 logos (18%) use just serif fonts, whereas 32 logos (6%) blend sans serif and serif typefaces. Just 2% of Fortune 500 organisations use a different font style, such as handwritten or script.


Fonts used in the brand logo designs

In a nutshell, make your logos as readable as possible. Keep it basic by choosing only one or two font styles.


4. Avoid reinventing the wheel

According to a recent survey, 74% of S&P 100 firms rebranded during the first seven years.

While it’s OK to think outside the box when creating your logo, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel in order to make your logo stand out.

What exactly do we mean by this?

For example, on your website, you may use a monochrome version of your logo, but on your business cards, you can use a colourful version… It goes on and on.

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Types and principles of good logo design

It’s a good idea to grasp the different sorts of logos whether you’re developing a new brand from scratch or utilising a logo template.

1. Logo with monograms

Monogram logos, often known as lettermarks, are constructed up of letters, generally the brand’s initials. Consider NBC, GE, HBO, and NASA. Monogram logos are simple, but they help people recall the firm that created them.

LouisVuitton what makes a good logo design

Example: What do you think about when you see the logo above? You got that right, it’s Louis Vuitton


2. Wordmarks

A wordmark logo (also known as a logotype) is a font-based logo that displays the company name. Consider Visa, Disney, and Jeep.

VISA - what makes a good logo design

Logotypes perform well for businesses with memorable names. Strong brand association is created through the memorable name and expressive typeface.

They are also customizable and may be utilised across a variety of marketing and advertising materials to represent your company.


3. Abstract logo

A conceptual logo mark is an abstract logo mark. It comprises of a custom-made emblem for your business. Your logo has nothing to do with anything in the world, such as a bird or an apple. It is intended to express the distinctiveness of your brand. Consider the companies Airbnb, Microsoft, and Pepsi.

pepsi - what makes a good logo design

If you don’t have any design knowledge, it might be difficult to make abstract markings. It is advisable to find a competent logo design expert who can convert colours and forms into relevant company insignia.


4. Mascots

A mascot logo is an artistic figure that represents your company. They are frequently bright, cartoonish, and entertaining. A mascot logo humanises your brand and serves as its ambassador.


Mr.Peanut planters what makes a good logo design

These designs should be used by companies selling to children and families, as well as esports teams. Mr. Peanut by Planters, Mickey Mouse, and M&M’s Spokecandies are all well-known mascot logos.


5. Pictorial markings

Instagram logo

Pictorial marks are logos that are pictorial in nature. When you see one, you immediately know it as a corporate logo. This may be seen in the Apple logo, Instagram’s logo, or the Target bullseye.


6. Time combination markings

Ralph Lauren - what makes a good logo design

A combination mark is made up of a wordmark or lettermark with a graphical mark, abstract logo, or mascot. 

The text and icon can be placed side by side or merged to form the logo.

Combination marks allow customers to instantly identify your company name with a picture or emblem. Ralph Lauren, Burger King, and Converse are all well-known combo marks.

Pie chart of fortune 500 company's logo type

How to make a good logo?

Several tools are available to help you develop a stunning logo for your Online store website. Adobe Illustrator (AI) is an excellent example. Nonetheless, high artistic skills and enough of time are required to apply AI.

This isn’t feasible.

As a result, it is preferable to choose tools that are simpler and quicker.

That being stated, here are some of the top easy-to-use Shopify logo makers you can try:


1. Hatchful

Hatchful is a free Shopify logo creator that allows you to design stunning logos for your business with only a few clicks of a button.

Hatchful offers many logo themes that you may easily change and personalise to your heart’s delight.

Shopify’s free logo builder comes with hundreds of logo designs and requires no creative skills to use. It provides social media assets in addition to simple logos and is available even if you do not use Shopify as an ecommerce platform.

The possible disadvantage is that because it works with templates, personalization is limited compared to working with a professional designer.

To use Hatchful, just select your business category, choose your favourite visual style, enter your company name, and then choose where you want to utilise the logo.

The rest is taken care of automatically.


2. Canva logo creator

Canva is a simple graphic design app that gives you additional options for creating and customising your logo. 

If you have any design knowledge, its templates make it a decent alternative. Canva provides free options as well as subscription plans with more features beginning at $12.99 a month.

You can also rely on Canva logo creator as an e-commerce logo maker option.

Canva, like Hatchful, saves you the hassle of developing a logo from beginning by allowing you to choose a template and customise it anyway you like.

Canva, however, lacks the AI interface that allows you to design a great logo by simply entering your business data such as name, industry, and so on.

Still, Canva provides a plethora of logo templates to provide you with virtually limitless logo design alternatives.


3. Free Ucraft logo creator

ucraft logo genearator to design a brand logo

Ucraft ranks third on our list of the top Shopify logo creator options.

You may utilise Ucraft’s pre-designed shapes and icons for your logo design project. Ucraft, unlike Hatchful and Canva, does not provide a library of logo templates.

This makes it great for developing simple beginning logos.


4. LogoMaker

logo maker to design a brand logo

LogoMaker is another another free logo creation tool that employs logo templates to assist you in creating a unique logo design. 

LogoMaker is not a free platform; you must spend $40 to obtain your final results, which include numerous file formats that allow you to simply use your logo on a variety of products, such as marketing brochures or t-shirts, or online.


5. Squarespace

squrespace free logo generator for brand

Squarespace provides a free logo creator that leverages a large collection of symbols to assist you in creating personalized logos for your business. 

Although the logos are simple to connect with Squarespace sites, modification is highly limited, making it tough to develop distinctive and eye-catching logos.


6. Wix logo creator

The Wix Logo Creator asks you a series of questions before using AI (artificial intelligence) to develop comprehensive logo ideas based on your responses. It then allows you to personalise the alternatives it provides by utilising its icon database. It’s a wonderful alternative if you already have a concept of what you want in a logo and are willing to personalise it. But, if you’re searching for a logo generator, it might not be the greatest option.

7. Work with experienced branding professionals

Collaborating with a branding agency is one approach to have access to established, experienced, and brilliant logo designers (ask us how we know) who are backed up by insights and an awareness of the brand’s prospects.

You’d also be in excellent company. Numerous firms, like Nike, L’Oreal, Coca-Cola, Unilever, and FedEx, continue to rely on agencies to create the perfect logo. With a branding firm, you’re assured a bespoke logo design that is both consistent with your brand and genuine to your brand identity, as well as something that logo designers have thoroughly thought through to develop something you and your business can be proud of.


Logo design tips

  1. Keep it simple: Simple logos are more memorable and easier to recognize.
  2. Make it unique: A unique logo will help your brand stand out from the competition.
  3. Consider your target audience: Your logo should appeal to your target audience and reflect your brand’s values.
  4. Choose appropriate colors: Colors can evoke emotions and set the tone for your brand, so choose them wisely.
  5. Ensure scalability: Your logo should look good at any size, from a tiny favicon to a billboard.
  6. Make it timeless: Your logo should be able to stand the test of time and not look outdated in a few years.
  7. Get feedback: Show your logo to others and get feedback to ensure it’s effective and memorable.
  8. Work with a professional: Consider hiring a professional graphic designer to ensure your logo is of high quality and meets all the necessary requirements.



Compelling, memorable logos are associated with strong, memorable brands. Every major brand began small. You don’t have to compromise great design simply because your company is in its early stages. 

The prospect of creating the perfect logo may have sounded frightening at first, but now that you have a greater grasp of the principles of logo symbols and the processes involved in the design process, you should be able to do it with confidence.

Going through this procedure to produce a basic graphic may appear to be a lot of work, but it’s worth it because the design will be tied to your business for the long term.


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Frequently Asked Questions

A good logo design is helpful to a brand. It draws attention, distinguishes itself from competition, and influences client purchasing decisions.

  • Design something that conveys what you do.
  • Select the appropriate shape.
  • Pick a font that complements your branding.
  • Pick your colour carefully. 
  • Be unique. Don’t imitate other brands.
  • Make it basic so that you may utilise it in a variety of ways (print, digital, product, etc)

Please take your time! Don’t hurry into designing a logo that won’t succeed.

  1. Combination logos (icon and text)
  2. Wordmark/letter marks (text alone or text tweak)
  3. Pictorial marks (icon-only)
  4. Abstract marks (icon-only), and 
  5. Emblems are the five forms of logos (text within shapes).

It is imple, memorable, timeless, adaptable, and relevant

KW – what makes a good logo design

URL – what makes a good logo design

Meta Title – What Makes A Good Logo Design – Creating a Strong Brand Identity

Meta Description – Looking to create a standout brand identity? Discover what makes a good logo design with our expert guide. From color choices to font selection, we’ll explore the key elements that make a successful logo.

A memorable logo is simple, unique, and relevant to the brand. It should be easily recognizable and evoke positive emotions in consumers.

Simplicity can make a logo more memorable and versatile. A simple design is easier to recognize and can be used across a variety of platforms and media.

Color is a powerful tool in logo design. Different colors can evoke different emotions and convey different meanings, so it’s important to choose colors that align with the brand’s values and target audience.

Versatility is important because a logo needs to look good and be effective in a variety of formats and sizes. A versatile logo can be used on business cards, websites, billboards, and more.

A logo can effectively convey a brand’s identity and values through its design elements such as color, shape, and typography. It should be relevant to the brand’s mission, vision, and personality.


With over 6+ years of experience in the industry, Ayushi excels in building strong customer relationships and guiding clients toward growth as a Brand Partnership Manager. She enjoys sharing her experience in her content.

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About the author

With over 6+ years of experience in the industry, Ayushi excels in building strong customer relationships and guiding clients toward growth as a Brand Partnership Manager. She enjoys sharing her experience in her content.
With over 6+ years of experience in the industry, Ayushi excels in building strong customer relationships and guiding clients toward growth as a Brand Partnership Manager. She enjoys sharing her experience in her content.

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